The best bird food is that which North American native plants provide. Summer songbirds require caterpillars to nourish their young, long distance fall migrants need lipid-loaded fruit to fuel their journey, winter residents rely on a variety of food sources, and raptors that favor birds as a meal depend on the presence of smaller birds. Become better acquainted with an assortment of backyard birds and what plants attract them.
Kathy Easton, a New Jersey birder for 40 years, has been active in environmental education featuring our avian neighbors since 1998. Besides actively attracting birds through all seasons in her native garden, Kathy promotes environmental awareness as a volunteer in many organizations. She serves as an Associate Naturalist for NJ Audubon, is a certified Rutgers Master Gardener of Mercer County, and chairs the Cranbury Shade Tree Commission, to name a few.
This program is being presented in collaboration with the Princeton Public Library as part of the activities surrounding the Great Backyard Bird Count.