Harvest Time!

We hope you have had a great garden experience this summer. There’s nothing better than enjoying food from your own garden, except possibly sharing some with friends or local food banks.

Monarchs! This is prime time for viewing all butterflies, including the famous monarchs. Welcome them to your garden. If you have milkweed, you will help monarchs by providing food for their caterpillars. Parsley and dill feed the black swallowtail, the state butterfly of New Jersey. Dont be surprised if they eat all the leaves! Its a good thing! (Photo credit: “Monarch Butterfly on Milkweed” by Image Catalog is marked with CC0 1.0)

Plan to re-seed or perform other lawn maintenance late in August or early September. Cool weather grasses will green up in September and October. (Photo credit: “Grass” by iantmcfarland is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Plant fall crops such as spinach, lettuce, and radishes. (Photo credit: “#homegrown #balcony #vegetables #radish #gardening” by Andi Gentsch is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)
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